Monday, March 13, 2006

Podcasting!!The new era

Those of who are into media very much might have already realised the importance of podcasting in today's technological world.Infact,it has been observed that it is the religious world who are the early birds into it realising the importance of it for evangelisation.

It’s estimated that 75 percent of all owners of digital music devices will be using them to receive podcasts by 2010, and the podcasting audience could approach 60 million people by then, according to The Diffusion Group.

The Roman Catholic Church, not usually noted for using multimedia, projection, and other tools, has actually been out front in adopting podcasts, with Vatican Radio launching its service in July 2005. Catholic Insider, a podcast series by Dutch priest Roderick Vonhögen, claims 10,000 to 15,000 weekly listeners.

Thus from the above details we can clearly see that signs are shown that it could be the next buzzword for the techy world and those who are to evangelising can surely make use of the new technology.

Proud to say,Jesus Youth has been able to enter this world much early foreseeing the importance of it for spreading the message of hope.Thanks to the dedicated team esp Shelton chettan who is behind the making, stressing out valuable time out of his work in an advertising company and not neglecting the works he has in Rex Band too.

For listening to Youth Vibes follow the link:

For more online news of podcasting please check the sites below:

Catholic Podcasting Makes Waves-BBC
Podcasting could be a revolution

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