Thursday, September 21, 2006


Los Angeles: In a departure from its normal mainstream fare, 20th Century Fox is praying its new FoxFaith film productions bring in a new congregation of cinema fans as well as fill its corporate collection plates.

Acknowledging the fast-growing – and demographically desirable – number of Americans embracing Christian beliefs, 20th Century Fox will create a new division devoted to the devoted.

The new FoxFaith film division will produce a number of straight-to-DVD and theatrical releases that focus on the core values of and materials produced by evangelical Christians. Budgets for the new films will range from $3 million to around $20 million.First out of the FoxFaith stable will be LOVE'S ABIDING JOY, a western based on the novel by the Christian writer Janette Oke. It is scheduled for release on October 6.Lending economic weight to the studio’s decision was the success of 2004’s THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, a theatrical blockbuster that also sold 15 million DVDs.

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